Monday, March 8, 2010

Nature Damage on 21 July 2009 Can Be Claimed From the Government

The giant hailstones experienced in my village on 21 July 2009 and other freak nature on that day have now been recognised as natural disasters and the state will cover the cost of any damage not covered by insurance policies.

This is good news for the people in my village. Six families had most of their roof ripped off. Many cars were damaged and not covered if the owner did not have at least a 'klein omnium' policy. The damage to my car cost 6.000 € but the insurance settled direct with the bodywork garage.

I had a broken window and a lot of garden damage. The insurance policy covered some of the amount but there was a 250 € excess to pay and they did not pay for the garden damage.

We have three months to submit claims.

"De federale regering heeft de hagelstorm die op 21 juli 2009 over West-Limburg raasde, erkend als natuurramp.

Heel wat inwoners liepen materiële schade op tijdens dat stormweer. Door de erkenning als natuurramp, kunnen alle getroffenen een beroep doen op het Rampenfonds. Dat fonds kan tussenkomen in de kosten die niet gedekt worden door de eigen verzekering.

Zodra het regeringsbesluit verschijnt in het Staatsblad, hebben de getroffen inwoners drie maanden tijd om hun schadedossier in te dienen."

Source: Het Belang van Limburg

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