Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hailstones on Belgian National Day

Today Belgium is 178 years old. My Belgian friends don't seem to care other than it means a day off work.

Two hours ago we had hot sunshine. Half an hour ago a thunderstorm and then the hailstones started.

Monday, July 20, 2009

In Her Shoes Exhibition in Hasselt

The Fashion Museum of Hasselt (Mode Museum Hasselt) are running a special exhibition until 8 November 2009 all about ladies' shoes.

There are shoes designed by well-known and lesser-known designers and manufacturers from 1900 through to the present day. Also work by contemporary designers from Belgium and the Netherlands and by artists and photographers who have drawn inspiration from women's shoes.

"I did not have 3,000 pairs of shoes. I had 1,060." - Imelda Marcos

For women shoes are much more than 'practical' and 'comfortable'. Shoes are often purchased as 'comfort buys'.
The Italian fashion journalist Paola Jacobbi said, "Whether you're fat or thin, tall or short, beautiful or ugly, you can buy all the shoes your heart desires. That's why women buy so many".

Shoes reflect a woman's personality. They are a status symbol and have seductive power.
"A good shoe is one that doesn't dress you, but undresses you". - Christian Louboutin

Tickets: Adults €5, 12-18 years and students €2, - 12 years - free
Until 31 October: Tuesday to Sunday 10-17u
1-8 November: Tuesday to Friday 10-17u, Saturday and Sunday 13-17u

Info: http://www.modemuseumhasselt.be/

Visit Living in Belgium for information on what's on, where to go, photos and useful tips for making life in Belgium more interesting.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Anniversary of Early Death of Leen Dayers

Monday 13 July marks one year since Leen Dayers was tragically killed by a sleeping motorist cycling home from a party with other scouts leaders. Her Scouts name was "Fodi".

There will be a special memorial service in Bolderberg church at 7pm.

Visit Living in Belgium for information on what's on, where to go, photos and useful tips for making life in Belgium more interesting.

We Love the Hasselt Duck

One day a huge blow-up yellow duck appeared in Hasselt harbour and immediately caught people's attention, so much so that it is staying longer in Hasselt than originally planned. The "badeend" (bath duck) was conceived by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman and promotes "Zoom-OUT", a project that will bring various art projects to open spaces in Limburg 2010-2011.

Here is a photo of myself and my sons in front of the duck.

So popular is the duck that there is even a Facebook group I love de eend van Hasselt with currently, 4,501 members!

When the duck leaves Hasselt on 17 July, it will tour Limburg:
17 - 22 July in Kolenhaven Genk
24 - 30 July in De Blauwe Kei in Lommel
31 July - 6 August - Neerpelt
7 - 13 August on the island in Neeroeteren
14 - 20 August in Maasmechelen Village
21 - 27 August Oud-Rekem
28 - 31 August in de Kolenhaven Beringen.

More info: Het Belang van Limburg

Visit Living in Belgium for information on what's on, where to go, photos and useful tips for making life in Belgium more interesting.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Nia Classes in Limburg

I really recommend Nia, a combination of free dance, yoga, Tai Chi and other exercise. It's great fun.

There are weekly lessons in Bree, Kinrooi, Valkenswaard and Hasselt plus a last minute holiday in Bourgogne.

Weekly lessons are given in Dutch:
* Valkenswaard: start opnieuw op maandag 5 aug, 09.20-10.30 u
* Bree (zondagvoormiddag 10.30 u): geen les op zondag 12,19 juli
* Kinrooi (woensdagavond 20 u) : geen les op woensdag 15, 22 juli
* Hasselt (maandagavond): lessen voorlopig stopgezet wegens geen zaal. Zaal gezocht tussen Hasselt en Genk.

Nia workshops:
* via WISPER
Leuven, ma/di/woe 27, 28, 29 juli
telkens van 15 - 17 u

Herent, Centrum Blauwe Reiger
Nia les: 27 juli 20 -21.15 u
28 juli 09 - 10.15 u
20 - 21.15 u
29 juli 09 - 10.15 u

* via Vormingplus, Zonhoven 25, 26, 27 aug van 20 - 21.30

Bewegen maakt je vrij. Maar 'vrij dansen' hoe doe je dat? Deze workshops leggen de nadruk op het 'freedance' aspect in NIa. Op een speelse gaan we nieuwe manieren van bewegen ontdekken. Iedereen welkom, ervaring niet vereist.


* via Vormingplus, Houthalen, 27 aug 09 - 16.30 u
dagworkshop samen met Hariette Schadé.
Een dagje ont-moeten, niets moeten, jezelf ontmoeten, in beweging en rust

www. vormingpluslimburg.be

Last minute vakantie, Bourgogne, Frankrijk

De afgelopen jaren organiseerde Nitta samen met Isis Fidder een 'Joyvakantie' (Nia + Intuitief schilderen) op centrum 'La Mer' in de Bourgogne. Dit jaar geeft Isis er een schitterende cursus 'Vedic Art': schilderen volgens de 17 principes van Vedic Art.
Een aparte, levensverrijkende beleving, zowel voor ervaren kunstenaars als voor mensen die nog nooit een penseel of potlood vasthielden! Vedic Art brengt je helemaal in het NU, het is een innerlijk proces dat tot uiting komt. Een nieuwe vorm van Kunst.

Meer info over deze vakantie op La Mer: www.la-mer.nl
Isis Fidder, Vedic Art: www.vedicart.nl

Nia - volg de wijsheid van je lichaam en laat je levenskracht weer dansen!

Gitta Weytjens
Certified Nia teacher
0032 497 91 63 65

Visit Living in Belgium for information on what's on, where to go, photos and useful tips for making life in Belgium more interesting.