Monday, November 14, 2011

Tobacco sales on the up in Belgium

2011 has seen a sharp rise in the amount of tobacco products sold in Belgium. The figures are published in an article in Saturday’s edition of the Francophone daily ‘Le Soir’. There has been a year on year rise of 20% in the amount of tobacco products sold in Belgian shops and supermarkets. This comes despite the introduction of stricter anti-smoking laws that made it illegal to smoke in bars, pubs and clubs, unless a separate, well-ventilated smoking room is provided.

However, a fair percentage of the cigarettes and rolling tobacco sold in Belgium are bought by foreigners, be they booze-cruise Brits or French smokers crossing the border to save an average of 1.20 Euro a pack on their favourite brand of cigarettes. Belgians are in fact smoking less than they did a year ago, so the increase in tobacco sales is solely attributable to foreign smokers border-hopping in order to save cash.

Speaking on VRT Radio 1’s morning news and current affairs programme ‘De Ochtend’, Luk Joossens of the Anti-Cancer Foundation told listeners that “The price difference between Belgium and France is especially large, with most big name brands retailing for 5.05 Euro here compared to 6.25 Euro there.”

“We would like to see a price increase of 50 Eurocent. Even if this reduced sales, it could still provide the exchequer with 200 million Euro in extra revenue.”

Source: De Redactie

If you need help to stop smoking, I stop people smoking in one session of relaxing hypnosis. It's so easy and there is a 95% success rate. Find out about stop smoking in Belgium with hypnosis.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

In memoriam: viscount Willy De Clercq 1927-2011

ELDR Honorary President viscount Willy De Clercq passed away on 28 October 2011. De Clercq was twice ELDR President from 1981 to 1985 and from 1990 to 1995. He served in various coalition governments in Belgium and twice led the Flemish liberals. He served on the European Commission from 1985 until 1989 and sat in the European Parliament from 1989 until 2007.

ELDR President Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck: “Willy promoted liberalism as no one else could. He had his own style and clear views. He was Minister, Vice-Prime Minister, European Commissioner, Member of European Parliament but above all a liberal with a hearth for Europe.”

Potverdekke It's great to be a Belgian

John Makin, the Englishman with the 1998 hit single "Potverdekke! It's great to be a Belgian" died on 30 October, age 61.

Here is John singing his song live:

The same song with many views of Belgium:

Monday, November 7, 2011

Save an Average 230 € Per Year on Your Electricity or Gas

If you want to find out whether you are paying too much for your gas and/or electricity and like the idea of using a green supplier, then Het Belang van Limburg is giving suppliers a chance to bid for clients.  The more households which register, the better the group price will be.  Just register your details on before 29 November.  There is no obligation.  The average annaul saving has been 230 € but as much as 1,050 €.  That has to be worth a few minutes of your time. 

Het Belang van Limburg lanceert samen met het bedrijf iChoosr opnieuw een unieke onlineveiling voor gas en/of elektriciteit. Limburgers kunnen zo honderden euro's besparen op hun energiefactuur, enkel door te surfen naar
Het is de vierde keer dat Het Belang van Limburg met iChoosr een veiling organiseert. De vorige online-veilingen van iChoosr voor gas en elektriciteit, waren een succes. Duizenden gezinnen schreven zich in.
Bart Stevens van iChoosr legt het succes uit: "Doordat wij alle inschrijvingen van kandidaten bundelen en de leveranciers anoniem op deze bundel laten bieden, zal de prijs van de winnende leverancier lager zijn dan wat hij op de markt aanbiedt aan individuele gebruikers."
Iedereen die interesse heeft kan op terecht om eerst een inschatting te maken van zijn of haar besparing van de energiefactuur. Op de site moet je de gegevens van je laatste factuur ingeven om zo te berekenen wat jouw besparing zal zijn.
Bart Stevens: "Hoe meer mensen zich inschrijven, des te beter is onze onderhandelingspositie. Als we alle inschrijvingen binnen hebben, organiseren we de veiling voor alle energieleveranciers van Vlaanderen. Iedereen die is ingeschreven, krijgt dan via e-mail een voorstel en kan dan beslissen of hij of zij ingaat op het aanbod."
Inschrijven kan tot 29 november op